
The Tech Wolves started as a group of Memphis Academy of Science and Engineering students taking machine shop classes at neighboring Moore Tech and working on The NASA Rover Challenge. We were due to go down to Huntsville for the competition in a few weeks and realized that we needed a name and a flag. The was not only part of the competition but also a good idea. The team chose Tech Wolves and a logo was made by one of our awesome artists.

Creativity, communication, reasoning ,and intentional health form the main pillars with an extra bridge for female empowerment. As we help others learn to better their lives, we can take advantage of that knowledge and build ourselves. The Tech Wolves are non-exclusionary and should grow according to their commitment to those ideals with excellence the standard.

What follows here is corporation documents and information. Transparency and communication about such things is important. Addresses and other identifying details of Board Members have been removed.

Articles of Incorporation

Conflict of Interest Policy
