Guitars, sound, and design.

The electric guitar is a instrument unique for many reasons and many involve the relationship between sound and electricity. It is a transmuting of energy on a many levels.

  • Tech Wolves Turning Up
    Electric guitars are cool by definition. They make for best projects for all manners of learning as sound as converted to electric frequencies and back again through an instrument that can be so pretty and bring real thunder. Between learning to make a guitar and play one, learners will find much of the course that…
  • A simple string board.
    We contacted our friend John Lowebow, who makes cigar box guitars and more. He sent the above list. Most things are available at your local hardware store. The pickup, jack and guitar strings came from a guitar store. A next build will include diy pickups. The screws for to attach the pickup are # 4.…
  • Luthier Lecturer: Dan Houston
    When learning a craft, finding the most knowledgeable people to provide guidance is crucial. Mr. Houston is a local luthier, or stringed instrument maker, who makes guitars and basses for people around the world. He eagerly joined the Tech Wolves in the quest to learn all we can about sound and frequencies through his chosen…