A story about a man named Mays.

January 2021 Daniel R. Wallace Social media has provided me with the chance to meet with some of the coolest people. They are everywhere when you are right like I or you know how to look. If neither of those is you, then you may need some help. Jimmy Mays posts about his tale and the bits as it goes and they are always most sincere and fly true from source to goal. “I have Parkinson’s and then of course affects my fingers and my speech so the words don’t…

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Practicing from masters.

A Clean, Well-Lighted Place is a standard for a style of writing that one need not be and do to be great but it is an excellent one to study for elevating one’s adaptability with language. I can not remember where I read it, perhaps it is in Death in the Afternoon, a book that I am unsure of finishing but Hemingway did talk a something about the craft in it (Stephen King’s On Writing is a much superior text on that subject and he is totally not Hemingway and…

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Luthier Lecturer: Dan Houston

When learning a craft, finding the most knowledgeable people to provide guidance is crucial. Mr. Houston is a local luthier, or stringed instrument maker, who makes guitars and basses for people around the world. He eagerly joined the Tech Wolves in the quest to learn all we can about sound and frequencies through his chosen art. In this video, he introduces everyone to the instrument, the craft, and his philosophies on design and building.

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Clutch is when it is needed most.

A great much has transpired to get to this point where a young man in some raggedy shoes and a car we had to jump afterwards, showed up in the midst of the mist of Hurricane Delta on parking lot at the intersection of Highway 51 and Noncannah Creek to have the chance to ask for his dream. The muses are powerful around here and so in media res we must go to follow some conventions. We left but not until I had to come back and boost Wesley’s car…

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