A story about a man named Mays.

January 2021 Daniel R. Wallace Social media has provided me with the chance to meet with some of the coolest people. They are everywhere when you are right like I or you know how to look. If neither of those is you, then you may need some help. Jimmy Mays posts about his tale and the bits as it goes and they are always most sincere and fly true from source to goal. “I have Parkinson’s and then of course affects my fingers and my speech so the words don’t…

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Insanity: An Open Letter to America

Kelsea Comb first published as a start to her blog. She is a person of many things, poet and writer are two. She wrote this letter in the days after the election for the 46th president. November 04, 2020 (Excuse punctuation, just started writing) I would like to start with a poem by Countee Cullen. Incident Once riding in old Baltimore,Heart-filled, head-filled with glee;I saw a BaltimoreanKeep looking straight at me. Now I was eight and very small,And he was no whit bigger,And so I smiled, but he poked outHis…

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